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PerfectRishta - India's Leading Matrimonial Service.
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Happy Forever
About Founder - Mrs. Hiral D. Parekh

Our founder, Hiral Parekh, has been passionately involved in matchmaking since 2014. With a heart full of dedication and an eye for compatibility, she has successfully connected many couples through her offline matrimonial services.
As a proud mother and an entrepreneur, Hiral understands the importance of finding the perfect life partner, especially when it comes to shared values, traditions, and long-term happiness. Her journey began offline, but with the evolving world, she decided to extend her passion online with www.perfectrishta.in. This platform is designed to cater specifically to Gujarati families, helping individuals and families find their ideal match with trust and transparency.
At Perfect Rishta, we believe that marriage is not just about two individuals coming together, but about building a bond between two families. With her hands-on experience in matchmaking, Hiral ensures that each profile is personally verified, and she takes great care in understanding the preferences and expectations of every member.
Whether you're looking for love or hoping to arrange a marriage that aligns with your cultural and personal values, Perfect Rishta is here to guide you every step of the way.
Start your journey with confidence. 100% Verified Profiles.
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